Our commitment

Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

One of the pillars of Fira de Barelona’s Strategic Plan is to enhance its economic and social impacts on the region.

In this regard, the institution has taken a step further in its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and made a commitment to actively support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) within the framework of the 2030 Agenda, a global plan adopted by the international community to transform the world, eradicate poverty, combat climate change and reduce inequalities.

The 2030 Agenda was approved in 2015 by the 193 member states of the UN and, to make this commitment a reality, it set 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 objectives associated with them, encompassing social, economic and environmental areas. In particular, the agenda calls on companies to act, on the understanding that, given the extreme situation the planet finds itself in, it is essential for the private sector to display coordination and co-responsibility in the achievement of the SDGs.

Beyond CSR

In 2018, focusing on the SDGs, the Fira launched a process to review its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and its association with these objectives.

Over the coming years, Fira de Barcelona proposes to convert the Sustainable Development Goals into a key factor for its internal structuring and cohesion and external competitiveness.

This initiative is based on the undertaking of Fira’s management, with the intention of promoting a process of communication, reflection and internal debate that will then be reflected in the institution’s public commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Next steps

Fira identifies the SDGs as an opportunity and as a responsibility, given its role as a generator of economic and social impacts. The actions in this vein will enable it to rethink and revamp the institution’s social commitment, based on the new expectations that go beyond the activity strictly related to its business.

Today, committing to the SDGs means becoming co-responsible not only for the quality of life, well-being and prosperity of the present generation but also for the expectations of future generations.

The three institutions that comprise Fira de Barcelona’s governance structure (the Catalan Government, Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce) are unequivocally positioned and committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation within the organization.
